
I've been wanting to produce something in Ink for a long time. This story was originally an idea for a visual novel, but it never got past the 'brief notes' stage for various reasons -- one of which was that I found I wanted to really micromanage the conversation. That's just not how visual novels work. But Ink is excellent for that.

This was a really satisfying experience overall. I didn't hit all of my design goals during the jam -- I was hoping to do a lot more cross-linking between conversational topics, along with some environmental triggers. My failure to do so was partially time, and partially the story itself. It worked without those, so I went with it.

Still, I'm hoping to come back to this in a few weeks and do another extension pass. I kind of want to show it to the people who played Shadows on the Mirror, lo, 15 years ago. I apparently really like writing extended conversations within the confines of forced proximity.

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